오랜만(?) 에 새 포스팅 을 하는거같습니다. 최근엔 뭐 별다른 커펌 소식이 없어 딱히 확 쓰고싶은것이 없는것도 한몫 한것같습니다. 오늘은 닌텐도 게임큐프 nintnedo game cube 관련 파일을 가져.
- The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess wbfs suscribete y da like para mas wbfs y proyectos,comparte para que sigas teniendo contenido y solo links directos link.
- QWBFS Manager 1.2.5. Manage your WBFS formatted disks with this tool. Mar 4th 2015, 08:27 GMT. 18.4 MB; jwbfs Rev 61. A java based WBFS file's wrapper. Mar 22nd 2012, 14:26 GMT.
- Does anybody have an iso or wbfs of Newer Super Mario Bros. Request Would be a plus to have those smaller games like Falling Leaf as well, but Newer 1.2.0 is the main one I'm looking for.
1. Introduction and History
When I started with USB loaders and backup copies in spring 2009.I have used the linux tool wbfuse
Wbfs 2.5 Download
and the USB loadersto manage my WBFS partition. In summer 2009 my WBFS was corrupted.So I had to dump all my games again.Because this failure and because disc space is cheap I made a copyof all my about 40 Wii discs to a linux ext3 disc.Wbfs 1.2 Key
The tool wbfuse exports all Wii ISO images asPLAIN ISO. It size is always 4.7GB (double layer are larger)independent from the real data size.Because of the sparse effect of scrubbed images they take less disc space.But copying such sparse file with simple copy tools removes the sparse effect.

Wbfs 1.2 Update
In August 2009 my WBFS was corrupted again.I thought about that problem and decided to create my own tool with a morehandy file format: The tool wwt and the file format WDF was born,the first commit into the repository was at September 23and the first alpha was released at September 28.WDF manage the scrubbed holes.This was more efficient than packing with tools like zip or rar:The WDF images are a little bit smaller than compressed imagesand WDF images can be read and written as fast as plain ISO images.

Wbfs 1.2 64-bit
WDF is a universal packing container. Any file can be packed with WDF.WDF allows random access and is as fast as plain ISO.Since October 2009 it is my standard archive format.
Since the beginning I worked with WBFS files instead with WBFS partitions fortesting. It was oggzee from GBAtempwho discovered WBFS files as data format for single ISO images.This was the third ISO image file format in my personnel history.WBFS can be used by USB loaders because of the large chunk size(greater equal 2 MiB, always power of 2).
In March 2010 I noticed, that there was an other file format: CISO (=WBI).CISO manages hole like WDF but with larger chunks (standard 2 MiB).It has some design impairments: No network byte order,no info about the original file size, blocks must be stored in ascending order.But it has also a great advantage: It can be used by USB loaders.
In August 2010 I developed a new format: WIA (Wii ISO Archive).First it was more a proof of concept to find out a format that reduce theneeded disc space and can be handled with my tools directly.The beta test of WIA ended in October 2010.
Wbfs 1.2 Vs
In January 2014, I added support for GCZ files (Dolphins file format).Dolphin supports also ISO and WBFS. Comparing GCZ and WBFS,WBFS ist faster (no compression) and produce smaller Wii images files.Only GameCube images become much smaller if using GCZ.
There is an alternate Format: FST.FST is not an image, it is an extracted file system.