

This is the official documentation for the Zettlr Markdown Editor. This documentation describes the features Zettlr offers for writing text and organizing your files, as well as customizing your experience. In case you have not yet received a copy of Zettlr, you can do so now by going to our download page. Zettlr is currently supported on Windows (7 or newer), macOS (10.10 or newer), and various Linux distributions. Please consult the setup instructions for platform-specific instructions on installing the application on your computer.

On this Documentation¶

This documentation is structured with Zettlr's extensive feature set and target group in mind. We have sorted all available features into a few central categories. If you know exactly what you are looking for, the search bar at the top right is the right starting point for you, otherwise, please follow the descriptions below:

  • While many Markdown editors don't offer specific support for a certain type of workflow, or offer features for scientific workflows only, Zettlr offers features that help the writing process of journalists or researchers in the arts and humanities. It's a lot more text-focused than most editors.
  • Zettlr is a reliable companion for writing scientific texts and taking notes. It is made for academics in the humanities and arts and is intended to keep your content apart from your design, but close to the notes you take. To reach this goal, Zettlr incorporates several important features: File-agnostic editing. Zettlr does not store any.
  • Zettlr Zettlr is free and open source Markdown application designed for academic writing. It provides a lot of powerful tools to help you write academic texts right out of the box.

Zettlr: A Markdown editor for the 21 st century Download Zettlr uses Matomo to analyse our visitors's behaviour. In compliance with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), you can choose to opt out of tracking. You are currently opted in. If you have downloaded Zettlr, head over to our website to get to know Zettlr. Refer to the Quick Start Guide, if you prefer to use software heads-on. Zettlr is an Electron-based app, so to start developing, you'll need to have: A NodeJS-stack installed on your computer. Make sure it's at least Node 12 (lts/erbium).

  • The First Steps section contains instructions on how to set up everything necessary to start working with Zettlr. It also provides a short 'getting started' guide in case you want to see what the app offers.
  • A section on concepts familiarizes you with a few concepts that form the basis of how Zettlr works. It is recommended to read through these documents carefully.
  • Guides contain a few guides for quickly setting up Zettlr for broadly described use cases. You will likely need to modify the presented settings to match your own workflow, but these are great starting points to have Zettlr work for you.
  • The Core describes the central writing and file management feature sets of Zettlr: What it can do, how it can do it, and where you can customize it.
  • Academic Tools focuses on features that are especially useful to –but not limited to!– students and academics.
  • References contain information on general topics (such as an explanation of all available settings) which serve as a quick reference for you.

Zettlr Zotero

Get Involved!¶

Zettlr is a free and open source software, which means that its source code is publicly available, and the application comes at no cost. However, this also means that there is no paid staff behind the app – it is completely managed by the community. This means that we actively encourage users to get involved with the app! Depending on your skills and what you like most, there are various ways in which you can help Zettlr out:

Zettlr Vs Obsidian

  • You can translate the app in more languages, and improve existing ones
  • You can translate and improve the documentation (GitHub account required)
  • You can join the community on Reddit and the forum and help new and other users
  • You can tackle open issues on GitHub and help develop the application itself

Zettlr Review

More information on how to get involved can be found here in the documentation.